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Our products:

ProRobot is a professional Web Crawler that can be used to create Internet search engines . Is a 100% Java system that can manage thousands or millions of URLS, indexing its content using Fulcrum SearchServer ™, Oracle ™, MySQL ™, or MS SQL Server™

A Java search engine for your site. Add SmartSearch to your site and allow your users to get the most of your site, getting fast, reliable and professional search results.

is the software that creates, easily and automatically , the full-text-indexes that SmartSearch requires.  PersonalRobot is also a powerful crawler with several usages:
  • It lets you explore a site with no search functionality, and allows you to search it quickly.
  • It can build personalized search engines that operate on sets of user defined sites. For example, if you like chess, you could create your own personal search engine containing the best sites about chess.
  • It can be used to stress test a site, to simulate a heavy workload and to detect broken links.

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