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This is a complete example of a client side, 100% javascript ADVANCED SmartSearch search: 

Search pages containing:
Partial Matches:
Show Excerpts:
Maximum results per page:
Starting at result #:
URL filter:

SmartSearch is easy to use: just type the word or words you want to search for and click on "Search" button.

Note that search is NOT case sensitive.

Results will vary according to the setting of the following search options:
Search pages containing:
(default) Only pages that contain all of the words typed will be retrieved by the search
Pages that contain at least one of the words typed will be retrieved by the search.
Partial Matches
(default) With this option words that partially match the search words will be considered as hits. For example, the word "great" will also match "greater" and "greatest".. This setting will not affect the performance of the search, but it will cause more results to be retrieved. Note that if you type just one letter with this option selected, the search will retrieve all pages containing words that start with that letter. If you are looking for a very specific word, turn it off.

Show Excerpts
(default) A small piece of text containing the word(s) searched will be retrieved along with the link to the page in which the word was found. Is possible that some words are hidden (for example in the <meta> section) so the excerpts may not contain the word, but will give an idea of the content of the page. Turning if off will dramatically increase the speed of the search.

Max. Hits
Specify here the maximum number of hits per page you want in the Results page.

Starting at:
Skip the first N results. Useful if you are implementing your own pagination. The search will calculate the total number of hits.

URL filter:
Limit the results of the search to those URL's that contain this string. This way you may implement sub-searches for a branch (subfolder) of your site/CD/DVD

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